SOURCE | Easter at Centerpoint
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Jesus stood in amazement as he watched a widow make her offering at the temple. Jesus received the lavish and extravagant offering of the poured-out perfume on his feet. Jesus is a priest in the order of Melchizadech - who received 10% of Abraham’s earnings after a great victory. Throughout the Bible, the concept of generosity toward God and the work of God through His House is a major theme. When you give your tithe to Centerpoint Church, you are demonstrating an ownership of your own faith at a high level of maturity and commitment. When you tithe, you are making a tangible expression of your heart of value for the house of God and our mission. When you give to Centerpoint Church, you are making it possible for us as a community to continue the impactful ministry that we do; your financial offering provides for the people on our team that lead, organize, orchestrate, and equip - and for the place (our campus), and for the programs that we offer to help people find and follow Jesus! We conduct an outside financial audit each year, carried out by a CPA firm to ensure that our finances and financial protocols are trustworthy. Any member can request to review the budget with our finance director if desired. You can give with confidence to Centerpoint Church, knowing that you are impacting thousands of lives and helping hundreds of people each year come to know Jesus!

Scriptural foundations for this step: Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 3:8-10; Matthew 6:19-21; 2 Corinthians 9:7-8; Proverbs 3:9-10

Discipleship Steps

Learn more about each step and how we help you track them below:

See all Steps


I have engaged in the public, prophetic, personal declaration of my faith by being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ!

We keep track by recording your name as someone we have baptized, or recording your indication that you have already been baptized as a believer!


I have made a commitment to be a partner in ministry with Centerpoint Church as the Body of believers God has called me to!

We keep track by making a record of your partnership commitment which you complete during Grow Track, or by a record of your previous membership covenant with our church.

CP Teams

I am making an eternal impact for the glory of God by serving the Body of Christ and the mission of my local church by being part of a CP Team!

We keep track by making a record of your status as a member of any of our CP TEAMS. You may serve on more than one team!

CP Groups

I am connected in a small group for intentional discipleship community, fellowship, and growth with my Centerpoint church family!

We keep track by making a record of your status as a member of any CP GROUP, including the groups formed through our CP CLASSES. You may be a part of more than one CP GROUP!

Attends Worship

I am regularly present for the weekend service to receive the pastoral teaching, experience God’s presence in the congregation, and give God my worship with my brothers and sisters in Christ!

We keep track by making a record of your status of attending worship by your own check-in and your own self-reflected attendance.


I regularly participate in the outreach and impact of God’s Kingdom through a CPGO experience to reach the lost and serve the poor!

We keep track by making a record of your status of participating in CPGO by your own check-in and your own self-reflected participation in a CPGO experience. ‘Regularly’ is subjective - but ideally, this means once a quarter or more.

Share Your Testimony

I have written my testimony and am prepared to share it!

We keep track when you upload your personal testimony

Grow Track

I have completed the Centerpoint GROW TRACK discipleship foundations experience, and am equipped to understand, align with, and serve my church’s mission!

We keep track of when you complete GROW TRACK.