SOURCE | Easter at Centerpoint
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Connect through Groups & Classes

At Centerpoint Church, we believe in life-changing connections—with each other and with Jesus Christ. One way you can get connected is by joining a Group or Class! No matter who you are, we have a group perfect for you. Find a new community, new friends, and genuine connections. 

CP Connect Groups

CP Connect Groups

At Centerpoint Church, we believe in life-changing connections—with each other and with Jesus Christ. Get connected by joining a Group! Find a new community, new friends, and genuine connections.


Prophetic Art Class

Thursdays, April 10th-May 1st
Cost: $40

Come explore the unique prophetic voice that you were born with by expressing it in art. Prophetic art is a means of sharing the very heart of God that transcends language.

Following Jesus

Sundays, April 13 - June 8, 11-12:15pm
Cost: $10, Childcare provided

Following Jesus is a 7-week introduction to a lifestyle of discipleship. This small group is for everyone whether you are a new believer, interested in being disciples, or learning how to disciple others.



2nd and 4th Thursdays, Feb 13 to Apr 24, 9:30-11:15am
Cost: $60, Childcare provided up to 5th grade

Momspace provides a fun and welcoming place where mothers of young children can come together to connect and be encouraged in the Lord.

Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays, Apr 8 to Jun 3, 9-11:45am or 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $10, Childcare provided

This 9-week study will help posture a mindset of perseverance, love, and purpose, empowered by the Holy Spirit while connecting with other women who share a love for Christ.

Women of Worth

Wednesday, Apr 16th, 11:00am - 1:00pm
Cost: Free

We will have a Quiche-themed luncheon. See registration for details.


Men’s Bible Study

Tuesdays, Jan 28 (12 weeks), 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $20

Release the Holy Spirit’s work at the very core of your experience of the Christian life – as He releases you to serve God as never before.

Men's Conqueror Series

Tuesdays, Jan 28 (10 weeks), 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $25

The Conquer Series is a 10-week study that has been instrumental in raising awareness of the detrimental effects of sexual addiction.


CP Young Adults

Mondays, weekly at 6:30pm

18–30 year-olds weekly worshiping and pursuing God and people authentically!

Senior Ministry

Centerpoint Seniors (55+) -active in fellowship, inspiration, prayer support, and time in God’s Word. "Register" for our next event.


Living Victorious-II: CULTIVATE

Mondays, March 31 to May 12, 6:15-8:30pm
Cost: $65/couple, Childcare provided

6-week biblical couples study on how to have victory in the daily battles and struggles of life.


THRIVE marriage workshops are 6 individual workshops held one Saturday morning a month.

  • Trust
  • Healthy Communication
  • Refuge in Christ
  • Investing in Us
  • Victory in your Marriage
  • Everlasting Love



Wednesdays, Jan 22 to May 14
Cost: $20/person

GriefSupport is a friendly, caring group that will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences of grief and loss.

Celebrate Recovery

Fridays at 7pm
Cost: Free

If you have hurts, habits, or hang-ups, come experience freedom through Christ!
