Do you ever feel like no matter how much you chase success, happiness, or security, it’s never enough? The world we live in promises countless ways to find strength and fulfillment, yet so many of us still feel empty and dissatisfied. But what if the power you need—the power to truly live—was already available to you? This Easter at Centerpoint, discover how the resurrection is the SOURCE of our power for living in victory in this life - and for rising with hope for the next!
2, 4, & 6PM
Baptisms will take place during Saturday services! Click here to learn more about Baptism or to register.
Egg Hunts will take place following Saturday services only. See more details below!
8, 9:30, & 11:30AM
8AM: The early bird get the worm... er...Cinnamon Rolls! The first 300 people to the 8am services get dibs on fresh, hot cinnamon rolls!
Childcare is available at all Easter Experiences for children from infants through 5th grade.
After all services we'll celebrate with fun snacks and multiple family photo opportunities around the campus.
Egg Hunts
Bring a friend to the traditional egg hunts following the 2 & 4pm services.
Egg Hunt
Bring a friend to the 6pm service and stay after for a unique glow-in-the-dark experience.
Egg Hunts are for Toddlers thru 5th grade. Both the traditional and glow-in-the-dark opportunities will feature age-appropriate hunts and activities, and will also include a variety of fun photo ops, prizes, and FREE cupcakes!
Get Baptized on Easter!
Saturday April 19th at 2, 4, or 6pm
Easter weekend is an incredible time to get baptized. The symbolism of baptism matches up so well with the reason for our celebration, Jesus' resurrection and victory over sin and death. Baptism is an outward expression of an internal change – a demonstration of faith that showcases our trust in Christ. During baptism, we are immersed in water before a supportive congregation of believers, publicly symbolizing the death of the lives we’ve lived devoted to sin. When we re-emerge from the water, it symbolizes our birth into new life in Jesus! and offers us a wonderful reason to celebrate!!
Sign Up to be Baptized
Good Friday
Friday, April 18th 6:30pm
You are invited to an intimate gathering to reflect on the Passion Journey, from the Last Supper to the tomb.
Through scripture, worship, prayer, reflection, and surrender, we will step into the weight of Christ's sacrifice and allow the dark moments of Jesus' story to speak deeply to our souls. Come ready to experience the infinite and intimate presence of God in a way that prepares our hearts for the hope and joy of the resurrection.