Women of Worth

We want women (40+) in our community to find real friends.

We meet once a month and share a meal. Sometimes it is a potluck at someone's home and sometimes we meet at a restaurant.

Upcoming Events

Women of Worth

March 19 @ 11:00AM

Women of Worth (40+)

Wednesday, March 19th

11am - 1pm

 Join us for fellowship as we "March into Spring”  

with a charcuterie-themed luncheon

What to bring:

A-C: Cheeses 

D-H: Meats 

I-M: Crackers and breads 

N-R: Fruits and nuts 

S-Z: Spreads, honey, olives and condiments


Desserts provided


         We are meeting at a local Temecula home. Address in confirmation.


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