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Filled to Flow Group | Monday Co-Ed

Lynn Webber

Topic: Sermon Discussion
General (any stage of life) Co-Ed (Single or Married) No Childcare

Hi, Since all of us together make up Christ's Body, then each of us are a part of one another, too. Whether single mom or young or old, we all need to find a home with other to spur us on, to build us up, to learn together and laugh and find Fellowship. That is what I want to provide! I want to provide food, a place to mull over Sunday's teaching together, praying for God to enlighten us and empower us, and in the process, to make friends. I will feed you. I will be prepared to guide us through questions. And I will provide a place to be who you are, come just as you are! I trust that God speaks to us, in the Word and the Spirit will testify and will do for us what we can't do ourselves. Take the smallest step, and you'll see. I work full time and I'm a single mom of teenagers. So, believe me I'll have food! And, I've lived, so I certainly can share what I know. And the rest is up to all of us to put ourselves out there with one another, be vulnerable enough to start friendships that are intentional and are a compelling witness to people who still don't know Jesus. Feel free to text me: 310-892-1442 if you have any questions. -Lynn.

Monday - 6:30 PM

